Monday, September 28, 2020

Customize And Create Wordpress Plugins


Hi Every body,

This very year I have celebrated my 10th year in web based programming. I am more than fluent in PHP and php based frameworks like WORDPRESS. I have built many plugins in wordpress and I can proudly assist you for the project.

I can assist you with:

  • Full HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap.
  • PHP(Laraval, Zend,Codeigniter,Yii )

  • W3C valid code.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Responsive and Pixel Perfect Design.
  • Google font & custom font Integration.
  • FontAwesome icons integration.
  • Seo friendly Code.
  • WordPress Friendly Code.

 Why you choose me:

  • I’m professional, skilled and trusted.
  • I’m committed to provide best service.
  • My code is clean, hand coded and commented.
  • I revise my code until clients satisfaction.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee and unlimited free supports.

Please contact me before ordering so that we can fix the prices and time.


Seller's Response:

The Seller is Stellar goes above and beyond there were many road blocks with this project but he beyond exceeded my expectations.

Seller's Response:

Great developer! flawless communication. Tahir is capable of quickly understanding the intentions of the specifications. it was a delight working with him

Seller's Response:

Excellent freelancer to work with


Good experience over all. Decent client to work with.


Awesome Work. Quick delivery. For any Custom css he is your guy! Wordpress plugin wizzard.

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